About "Gus"
I was born in Granada Nicaragua in 1977 during a civil uprising. When I was 5 years old, my family fled to South Florida escaping communism and seeking a better life, like many South Florida families from Latin America and other parts of the world.
After graduating High School I attended the University of Florida and earned a BS in Psychology and BA in Criminology.
Afterward, I moved back to Miami to help my family in their restaurant business and maybe to find myself a little. After seeing firsthand, the struggles of immigrant entrepreneurs I decided to attend St. Thomas University and obtained my law degree.
After graduation, went to work for a sole practitioner and was immediately thrown into litigation and spent more than 15 years actively litigating Real Estate, Probate, and Business (Dirt, Death, & Business is my forte!) amongst many other practice areas. I also had the pleasure of serving as managing partner for two great friends at Sanchez Vadillo LLP for the last 12 years helping their firm grow from a title company and merely transaction law firm to a full-service law firm.
My favorite part has been the countless staff, clerks, and attorneys I've mentored or influenced in some way that now thrives in our legal community.
My parents raised me to be selfless, so my approach has always been to treat clients like family and I make no guarantee other than, to be honest, and try my best. Preventive Law Solutions is the product of my values and experiences and has been in the making for years. I'm excited to see the impact it will have on our community.
Even though, I love dealing with matters throughout the country and even internationally, it is Miami, Florida that my beautiful wife, two children, and I call home. We just love the melting pot of culture and hit the outdoors at every opportunity.

Hi, my name Is Gustavo, and I'm here to help you!

BA Criminology
BS Pschology

Juris Doctorate
Certifications & Memberships
Curriculum Vitae
Sanchez & Vadillo LLP 2008 - present
Kofsky & Associates 2004 - 2008